Look what we can do together

2020 Year in Review

We believe this pandemic is not an interruption of God's plans for our church, but an acceleration of them.

Matt Sparks


Church Online

We reached new people by embracing technology to continue meeting as a church family online through a season of lockdown and physical distancing.

We’re extremely grateful for a $10,000 donation to help us purchase live-streaming equipment, and for our talented creative & production teams for carrying us through 2020.

4143 live streams

16,732 YouTube plays

9,694 podcast plays

61 countries

Church @ Home

Due to COVID restrictions and not having a building to meet in, we gathered on Sundays for Church @ Home throughout 2020. It was a rich experience of intimate community, hospitality, prayer and worship.

16 Locations

173 Members

Total Attendance: 1833


2020 Vision: More of God

Our vision for 2020 was to experience More of God. Little did we realise how God would make this a reality by disrupting our rhythms through COVID.

Midday Prayer

We always believed that COVID was not an interruption to God’s plans but an acceleration of them. We grasped the opportunity to reset our rhythms and seek more of God in prayer.

We ran midday prayer on Instagram Live, incorporating silence, Scripture, reflection, and prayer into the rhythms of our day.

YouVersion Plans

We wrote and released four YouVersion Bible reading plans to help our church family experience more of God through Scripture and prayer. Of anything we’ve done, these plans have had the furthest reach.

78,700 Subscribes

43,869 Completions

56% completion rate

Average Rating: 4.69/5 (25,511 Ratings)

Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

In 2020, we read John Mark Comer’s book together to experience More of God. By disrupting our rhythms of busyness, God offered us an invitation through COVID to establish healthier rhythms of life.

Our church family experienced significant transformation as we implemented practices of rest and silence into our lives.

I grew so much closer to my church family this year. I experienced more of God through their love for me.




We launched Alpha to provide a safe environment for people to explore the big question of life, faith, and meaning. We’re already seeing the fruit!

90+ people at Alpha launch event

Countless invitations

19 guests across 2 rounds of Alpha Course

6+ people made a decision for Jesus!

Total Baptisms since Launch: 20!

Something happened at a low point during the pandemic that lead me to find my faith and feel like a weight had been lifted the minute I came home.


Growth Track

2020 was an incredible year for new connections at Anchor. Not only did we see a huge number of people tune in for our online services, we had many people join our church family!

60 people attended Growth Track

37 people decided to make Anchor home

Today is my first time back in church in years. I feel like I've come home.



Church Planting Residency

We continued training and coaching our two church planting residents Arnaldo Santiago jr. and James Wong as they considered their future ministry pathway. We also connected with and invested in six other prospective church planters at our annual invite-only Fireside retreat.

Sending South West

After many months of prayer and planning, and significant delays due to COVID, we sent Arnaldo Santiago jr. with his family and a team of 35 people (24 adults + 11 kids) to plant Anchor South West. While most churches were knuckling down to survive, we were stretching to multiply.

Anchor South West officially launched on 31 January 2021.

Global Partnerships

We developed new partnerships with Wasilla Bible Church (Alaska), The Church of Eleven22 (Florida), and New Life Fellowship (New York City). These churches invested $40,000 in 2020 to partner with us in planting Anchor South West!


Gospel Communities

Gospel Communities carried our church family through a difficult 2020, creating a safe space for people to share vulnerably and pray for one another.

17 Gospel Communities

238 Members

4044 total attendance for GCs

My Gospel Community has been like my family. They've kept me afloat emotionally and spiritually this year.



Our women’s teaching ministry continued online, with women meeting in homes to watch teaching on how the truth about God transforms our lives.

4 Radiant Events

208 Total Attendance

Servant Leaders

We are committed to raising up and developing world-changing leaders. We have an incredible community of leaders serving across every corner of our church.

36 Gospel Community Leaders

20 Graduates from Leadership Bootcamp

126 People serving in teams


Your Generosity

Anchor is built on the generosity of our members. Together, we are sowing into a vision that we believe is transforming our city. Thank you for your gifts in 2020!

Total Income: $723,658*

Total Expenses: $543,584†

Budget Surplus: $180,074

*Income includes JobKeeper

†Due to COVID, we did not have our normal property expenses for Factory Theatre or office (saving an estimated $81,750).

Partnerships & Projects

We were blessed to contribute to the following partners in their important ministries:

17 children released from poverty on Compassion Sunday

150 children sponsored through Compassion

$6000 given to support Scott & Ruth Buchanans (Philippines)

Thank You!

Thank you for sowing into God’s kingdom coming in Sydney as it is in heaven. You have made a significant impact in people’s lives. It’s incredible to look back and see what we can do together!

With Love

The Anchor Team

The Lord added to their number day by day.

Acts 2:47