
Anchor’s Philosophy of Kids Ministry

Arnaldo Santiago Jr., 01st June 2016 / City

We love kids at Anchor Church and believe they are as much a part of our church family as anyone else. In this blog post, Arnaldo Santiago shares the Vision and Mission behind the team who faithfully serve the kids, parents and wider church community each week.

Often time ‘children’s ministry’ can sound a lot like holy babysitting. It’s a time where the children are escorted out into a playful nut-free zone where they are away from everyone so that room is made for ‘real gospel work’. Right?

Furious at His disciples’ instruction to keep children away from him, Jesus rebukes them by saying:
Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:14, ESV)

To such belongs the kingdom of God?

At Anchor Kids this reality grounds and gives shape to what we do. Our vision is to partner with parents in making disciples of their children to the glory of God. We want our kids to be In Community, On Mission, For Jesus.

We often encourage our teachers and helpers with the reality that they are not just minding kids so that parents can sit unhindered under the Word (as worthy as that may be) but that they are mining their little hearts.

The gospel, the reality of God-with-us, shapes everything we do with our Anchor Kids gatherings. This is why we endeavor to make Anchor Kids a safe place emotionally, physically and spiritually for all of our children.


During our Sunday Gatherings we have a program for 18m-4yrs (Toddlers) and K-6 (Kids) where we sing, pray, remember, learn, play and grow together. This isn’t just about keeping children engaged but engaging children with the gospel so that we see their lives transformed and carried throughout their days.

We also endeavor to ‘Bring it Home’ and supply activities for parents to continue to apply the gospel truths they’ve learned on Sunday throughout the week.


We want to embed in our kids the reality that they don’t just come to church but they are the church; and not just the future of the church but an integral part of the people of God today.

In order for us to do this we seek to partner with parents and equip them to value engaging their children with formative practices such as prayer, service, giving and justice. We want to see the gospel truly not just inform their heads, but transform their hearts.


By God’s grace we were able to baptize a few of our children a few weeks ago. After learning about the commitment and joy of baptism Lillika (10), Rafi (8) and Anthony (6) experienced the joy of responding to the Lord’s call in obedience. May we see a gospel awakening in the hearts of those that Jesus said: To such as these belongs the kingdom of God.


We’d love to see you and your kids this Sunday at Anchor:
The Factory Theatre – 105 Victoria Road, Marrickville

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