Anchor Church has partnered with Compassion, to sponsor 46 children from the City of Cebu in the Philippines. This Sunday, you will have the opportunity to sponsor one of these kids. In this blog post, Emily Dafter explains a bit about Compassion, and why we’re getting involved.
With Compassion Sunday fast approaching we need to have a little chat about some really big things; aid, child sponsorship, and the church.
As followers of Christ we should know that the world does not work upon systems of merit. Stories of Job, of Paul, and many others show us that whilst God’s justice is often in direct response to action or sin, circumstances beyond our capacity to understand still occur, and the world is still abruptly ‘unfair’.
But we as the church, with the resources given to us by God, can change that.
“A lack of generosity refuses to acknowledge that your assets are not really yours, but God’s.” Timothy Keller
Poverty, sickness, depression, anxiety, homelessness, hunger.
What’s the common theme here?
They’re all caused by broken relationship with God. Sin.
When we come here to the core of the matter, poverty is neither solved by blaming victims for their circumstances or placing Band-Aids upon cancerous infections.
Brokenness requires the fulfilment of Christ.
“All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together” Col 1:17
Scepticism is also easy because aid attends to temporary needs, when we know that Christ is what the world needs – not education, nor Oxfam chickens on Christmas cards (10/10 great gift idea though).
People are dying sooner than they should, with less opportunity to hear the gospel and worship God.
We need to answer the call we have been given to serve the world.
“Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked to cover him?” Isaiah 58:7 (Read More Isaiah 58 for good vibes on philanthropy)
I’ve seen the way Compassion International works, and I am a fan of it.
Jacaranda and Aroma
This is Jacaranda and Aroma. Their Mum, Navo, has not had an easy life. She’s raised two beautiful twin girls in Tanzania, been abandoned by her fiancé, and struggled to survive on a regular basis.
Her life now is different. Her and her two girls no longer have to worry about education or health. Navo, thanks to Compassion owns and runs a business at the local market, which was a dream prior to sponsorship. The girls get to learn about Jesus during the program and they praise God for His love and providence in their lives.
The strength and beauty of Compassion lies within a combination of providing for physical and eternal needs. It gives kids and their families, like Navo, Jacaranda, and Aroma, the opportunity to have a better life and to praise God for it. Win, win!
This Sunday, beautiful people of Anchor, come ready with your budgets in hand and a willing heart to serve the world in worship of Christ.
The Anchor Compassion Appeal will be taking place during the Sunday Service.
10:30am – Sunday 7 August, 2016
The Factory Theatre – 105 Victoria Rd, Marrickville
To find out more about Compassion Australia, visit their website: