
Meet Dave Buster

29th September 2015 / City

Over the next few months, we’re interviewing some of our Anchor Family to find out how God has been working in their lives. Time to meet Dave Buster!

1. What do you love about Anchor Church?

I love the vision, the people, the community and how those three things interact. Anchor isn’t just a social club on Sunday morning—it’s a community of people who encourage one another to live radical lives for Jesus. I love the people at Anchor and how they encourage me to be a better husband, friend and employee, and how they encourage me to live a life for an audience of one, Jesus Christ.

2. How has God been at work in your life since joining Anchor?

Since joining Anchor, I have been more engaged and intentional with the people around me. I’m praying more for my friends and actively looking for opportunities to love people. God is teaching me to actively live and pray in ways that seeks to show his love in the world around me.

3. Tell us about your experiences of being in community at Anchor.

I love the community at Anchor. Whether it’s impromptu dinners and events, or people readily wanting to pray or give thanks for what’s happening in my life, I feel like my Anchor family really care for me in the joys and pains of life, particularly through Gospel Communities. Not only is the food is awesome (we eat dinner together every week!), but my Gospel Community has been foundational in forming and caring for me at my time at Anchor.

4. How does Anchor equip you to live on mission in everyday life?

Anchor provides a space and resources to grow my faith in a city that is often distant from God. Whether it’s through friendships, one-on-one training, or wisdom that comes from the front each Sunday, Anchor equips me in so many areas of my life. I feel I am slowly changing my mindset from simply knowing the gospel to actually applying the gospel in my life. Whether it’s at home, at my desk at work, on the bus or in the kitchen, Jesus’ sacrifice impacts everything.

Anchor is awesome! You should at least come and check out our amazing morning teas on Sundays—that alone will turn your world upside down.

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