
Meet Jac Perry

06th April 2015 / City

We’re interviewing some of our Anchor Family to find out their experiences at Anchor and how God has been working in their lives. We’re pleased to introduce you to the lovely Jac Perry!

1. What do you love about Anchor Church?

I love the passionate and gospel-centred preaching every week. I love the welcoming, servant-hearted and inclusive community and its vision for God’s church to reach the city of Sydney by his Spirit at work through his people.

2. How has God been at work in your life since joining Anchor?

God has been challenging me to step outside my comfort zone and be on mission, in community, for Jesus in every area of my life. God has been constantly revealing to me each week that Jesus wins, that he is sovereign over all—over my life, over Sydney and over all nations. God has been reminding me to pray big and often, as he can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

3. Tell us about your experiences of being in community at Anchor.

From my first week at Gospel Community, I felt my church family were intentional, loving, servant-hearted and real. Lives at Anchor are shared with honesty and generosity. The Anchor community encourages and directs one another back to Jesus. I feel I am doing life with my church family every day, where we are actively seeking to be in community, on mission, for his glory.

4. How does Anchor equip you to live on mission in everyday life?

Anchor has been equipping me to be on mission in everyday life primarily through gospel-centred preaching which has directed me back to the reality that I have been created to worship our gracious Creator in all that I do. Being part of Anchor family—where my brothers and sisters are also on the same mission to bring him glory—continues to equip and encourage me to live a life to make Jesus famous.

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