
Scott & Ruth Buchanan

Sharing Christ with the Marginalised People of the Philippines

We are so privileged to partner with Scott & Ruth Buchanan, and their children Isabelle and Isaiah, as they share Christ with the marginalised people of the Philippines.

We are prayerfully expectant for how God will use this family as they step out in obedience to Jesus’s commission to make disciples of all nations.

Scott & Ruth’s Ministry

Scott and Ruth Buchanan, with their two children Isabelle and Isaiah, serve as Christ’s ambassadors amongst the poor, marginalised, and unreached people groups on the island of Mindoro in the  Philippines. Those whom they seek to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ include: the Mangyan people group (the mountain dwelling indigenous people of Mindoro), incarcerated men and
women, impoverished peoples, and sex workers.

Underpinning their work are two key values.

First, while poverty, injustice, and abuse are significant and heart-breaking issues that are faced within these communities, they are the symptoms of a greater spiritual disease of which the gospel is the only true cure.

Second, the local church, God’s collective chosen people, is God’s primary mission strategy to a lost world.

Guided by these two values, the Buchanan’s calling is to serve these peoples though the growth and revitalisation of existing indigenous churches—by way of evangelism, relational discipleship, and theological equipping. They then seek to indirectly assist in the missional multiplication of these churches through the planting of new gospel-centred churches amongst other poor, marginalised and
unreached peoples.

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:18–19