
Mollie Stuart: Anxiety & Jesus

06th May 2018 / City
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“We create stories in our minds, not based on the facts. The story I had been living in for 20 years was ‘My Dad left. He doesn’t love me. I’m unloveable. No one wants to be my friend.’ But the fact is: my Dad left. That’s it.

“I got to the point last year where I was exhausted. I did the only thing I knew I could do—hand it over to God. I always go back to Jeremiah 29:11. If God has my life under control, what’s the point in worrying about it. I’m secure in who I am because of him, because God has my back.

“But you also need people’s help. No one knew about my anxiety. But then I broke down to my GC, told them my story, and told them I needed their help. And they all came around me and helped me in practical ways, and I am so thankful. I wouldn’t be standing here without them.

“You are not your anxiety. You’re not the only one struggling with it. Ever since telling my story, I’ve found there are so many people are struggling with anxiety. Find one person, just tell them so you get that support. And pray and be honest with God about it.”

Mollie Stuart (Croydon Gospel Community)

Mental Health

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