
Tear Down These Walls (Ephesians) Study Guide

31st March 2021 / Movement

Join us for our next sermon series as we work our way through Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus over 12 weeks.

The United Nations believes itself to be “the world’s best hope for peace and security”. We believe the church is! Don’t believe it? All you have to do is read God’s vision for a new humanity from the letter to the Ephesians. In it, God describes what he has done, through Jesus, to create one new humanity and deal with the division between Jew and Gentile. God has torn down the dividing wall and a new humanity has emerged on the other side of His gracious initiative.

The central theme of Ephesians is God’s new society, his new humanity. The letter gives us a beautiful trinitarian sketch of who we are—the family of God the Father, the body of Jesus Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit.In a world that views the church as an increasingly outdated, even dangerous organisation, Ephesians help us see God’s vision for his church and how we can live into that.

Our prayer for this series is that we will ground ourselves and live consistently with our identity “in Christ”. As we see the incredible riches of all that God our Father has done for us, we pray that the Holy Spirit will produce holy living in our personal lives, loving unity in our church family, and a compelling witness to our world.

We’re expectant that God has something significant for us in this teaching series. Let’s lean in and get ready to encounter God together!